Class Generator

Defined in: src/


Public: The documentation generator uses the intermediate JSON from Parser, and generates the final HTML Biscotto documentation.

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

::constructor(parser, options) Source

Public: Constructs a generator parser - A Parser object options - An Object of options


  • (Parser) parserA Parser object
  • (Object) optionsAn Object of options

Instance Method Details

::copy(from, to) Source

Public: Copy a file from its temporary location to a more permanent one. from - The source filename as a String to - The destination filename as a String


  • (String) fromThe source filename as a String
  • (String) toThe destination filename as a String

::copyAssets() Source

Public: Copy the styles and scripts.

::generate(file_generator_cb = null) Source

Public: Generate the documentation. Without the `file` callback, the documentation is written to the file system. With the callback, the file's contents is passed to the callback. With a provided file generation callback, the assets will not be copied. You can use Biscotto.script and to get them. file_generator_cb - A Function that acts as a file generation callback


  • (Function) file_generator_cbA Function that acts as a file generation callback

::generateClassAndMixinLists() Source

Public: Generates the drop down class list

::generateClassMixinFileExtraIndex() Source

Public: Generate the alphabetical index of all classes and mixins.

::generateClasses() Source

Public: Generates the pages for all the classes.

::generateExtraList() Source

Public: Generates the drop down extra list.

::generateExtras() Source

Public: Generates the pages for all the extra files.

::generateFileList() Source

Public: Generates the drop down file list.

::generateFiles() Source

Public: Generate the pages for all the (non-class) files that contains methods.

::generateIndex() Source

Public: Generates the frame source.

::generateMethodList() Source

Public: Generates the drop down method list.

::generateMixins() Source

Public: Generate the pages for all the mixins.

::generateSearchData(file) Source

Public: Writs the data used by search into a JSON file used by the frontend. file - A Function callback after every file is read


  • (Function) fileA Function callback after every file is read